Low Boundary Wall field campaign in Dublin

iSCAPE researchers have been testing in Dublin how low boundary walls can reduce pedestrian exposure to air pollution. Low boundary wall structures were set up along Pearse Street and measurements were undertaken on the concentrations of the pollutants nitrogen oxides...

UK-Egypt workshop on Air Quality & Health

A very successful UK-Egypt Workshop on air quality and health took place in Cairo last week on the 10th July. The workshop organised as a part of the Higher Education Innovation Funding project RETINA and in partnership with the iSCAPE project aimed to provide a...

MID-TERM EVENT BOLOGNA- Overview and Presentations

The iSCAPE Mid-term event “Urban air quality: designing and implementing effective control strategies” took  place in Bologna on the 10 May 2018. During the event, practitioners and renowned researchers such as Prof. Akula Venkatram, University of...

Science Apprentice Workshop at St. Brigid’s Finglas

On the 20th June our iSCAPE lead Professor Francesco Pilla worked hard with the children of St. Brigid’s Finglas on the latest Science Apprentice Workshop, designing and building prototypes to tackle air pollution problems. The workshop had the aim to explain...

iSCAPE Summer School in Hasselt (Sept 17-18)

The 2-day Summer school (Air Quality Sensing and Approaches for Mitigation using Smart Solutions and Citizen Engagement) organized by the iSCAPE project (www.iscapeproject.eu) is scheduled to be held on 17 and 18 September 2018. Objectives and Expected Outcomes: The...