iSCAPE project meeting in Hasselt

The iSCAPE team met for three days of intense and fruitful discussions at the Hasselt University from 3 to 5 October, with a focus on the outputs of the first year and planning the projects’ next steps, especially on the iSCAPE sites and instruments set up for...

iSCAPE LivingLabs training in London!

The iSCAPE consortium gathered in London last week for a two-day training about LivingLabs and their activities. Representatives from the six cities received and discussed trips&tricks on how to make their action at local level as effective as possible,...

Monitoring campaign kicked off in Bologna!

Bologna kicked off its activities on the field during hot August weeks! The monitoring campaign involving two canyoning streets aims to analyse in detail how pollutants travel through the air and how the urban green affects their spreading. The activities will...