iSCAPE at the Digital Social Innovation Fair in Rome

At the Digital Social Innovation Fair (, taking place in Rome on February 1st and 2nd February, partners from iSCAPE presented the project to two thematically related projects: CAPTOR (Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution...

iSCAPE featured on the Irish national radio RTE1

iSCAPE was featured on the national radio RTE1 in the Michael Littleton Memorial Lecture delivered by Prof Louise Richardson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. You can find the podcast here (between minute 14:40 and 15:40).

iSCAPE featured on Pan European Networks

iSCAPE has been featured in the current issue of the e-journal Pan European Networks: Government (Issue 20, November 2016). The article offers an overview of iSCAPE and focuses on the Living Lab approach. The e-journal can be accessed here:...

Presentations in Dublin and Brussels

On the Friday 7th October 2016, Francesco Pilla, project coordinator or iSCAPE, will give a presentation at the event 2016 EPA Annual Information Day on Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 organised by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency in Dublin. The aim of this...

Kick-off in Dublin

On September 6, 2016, iSCAPE officially kicked off. All the project partners gathered for a three-day meeting hosted by the University City College (Dublin), the project coordinator.

Official website up

iSCAPE’s official website is up now. The website is still in beta version. If you happen to find any bug, please contact us and let us know.